What’s the Best Air Compressor Oil Type?

Air Compressor Oil Type

Whether you are a woodworker or a DIYer, air compressors are an excellent investment for anyone who constantly uses air tools. People can use an air compressor for many things, so there is no need to hesitate to get one. However, there are many different types of air compressors, and not all of them are as good as they claim to be.

While you have to be cautious about what air compressor you get for your house or company, you also need to take good care of that compressor if you want it to last long. One of the best ways to maintain your air compressor is by getting air compressor oil for it, which helps it do an overall better job, last longer, and save more energy.

Nonetheless, as it happens with cars, getting the wrong air compressor oil for your air compressor can damage it in many ways.

If you are interested in getting air compressor oil for your air compressor, this is your page. Read on to learn everything you need to know about air compressor oil and which one to choose. Don’t pick one that could damage your air compressor!

What Is Air Compressor Oil?

Air compressor oil is a natural or synthetic lubricant that enhances air compressors and prevents wear and tear. This oil is different from motor oil since it doesn’t contain any kind of detergent.

Apart from that, air compressor oil doesn’t have as much carbon and sulfur as motor oil has. However, oil’s properties vary depending on the type of air compressor oil you choose and the brand you buy it from.

Types of Air Compressor Oil

Types of Air Compressor Oil

As we mentioned before, there are different types of oil, and each one of them has different properties that could help or damage your air compressor. You can’t, for example, use synthetic oil for an air compressor that needs standard oil. The same happens when you buy motor oil for your car.


The first air compressor oil type is standard oil, which is also the most expensive one. People who don’t need to use air compressors that much can go for this alternative. Many people call this oil natural oil since it’s made from a mineral oil base.

Standard air compressor oil is also a good fit for you if you use air compressors that focus on doing light- or medium-duty work. Air compressors with more power and that need to do more difficult things or complex jobs have to be maintained with synthetic air compressor oil, if possible.


Synthetic compressor oil is the most similar to motor oil, and also the one that most woodworkers use. The reason for that is that it’s made to let air compressors do an excellent job without deteriorating for a long time. As you could guess by reading its name, synthetic oil is made of oil synthetic base.

Thanks to the whole process that people go through to create synthetic oil, this air compressor oil is significantly more refined than standard oil and makes a better work enhancing the compressors’ functions. However, people still can’t use it to maintain air compressors that require standard oil.

Are Oil-Lubricated Air Compressors Better?

Absolutely! Air compressor oil aims to make your air compressor work better and last longer, so not using it is not taking advantage of all those benefits. As it happens with cars when you don’t fill them with motor oil, some air compressors may malfunction if you don’t regularly fill them with compressor oil.

However, it’s important to know how good oil-lubricated air compressors can be for you. Considering that, here are some of the benefits air compressor oils can give your machine:

Longer Lifespan

Compressor oils, whether they are synthetic oils or standard compressor oil, make these machines last longer.

The reason for that is that when air compressors require oil, the machine’s components need to be protected. Compressor oils protect those components by increasing their lifespan.

Oxidation Resistance

One of the things standard and synthetic oils do to protect your machine’s lubricant is preventing oxidation.

This is a common problem for oil-less air compressors and machines that need motor oil to work. 

If you feel your compressor is not working as it should, add oil and see how everything works perfectly. Remember you can’t use motor oils for that, though.

Heat Absorption

The internal combustion engine of air compressors causes a lot of heat due to the compressed air in it. The oil keeps the compressor cool and prevents it from overheating.

Air compressors, unlike motor oil, keep their viscosity even when it’s cold, so you don’t have to worry about that. If the oil you use doesn’t keep its viscosity, asking someone to change air compressor oil for another type is the wisest alternative for you.

Ideally, the temperature range when using a compressor may keep itself stable since getting to warmer or colder temperatures than expected can make the compressor malfunction. However, that temperature range depends on the compressor model you get, so you can consult that with the manufacturer.

What's the Best Type of Air Compressor?

It’s hard to tell which compressor oil to use for your machine. Air compressor oils also have different features depending on the brand you buy them from, which means you have to take some time studying air compressor oils to see which is better for you.

You have to research what type of non-detergent motor oil your machine requires since, regardless of which one is better, a rotary screw air compressor is different from one with different features. Both need a specific type of non-detergent oil, so you can read the machine’s instructions to see which one it is.

However, if you want your oil-lubricated air compressor to be the best one on the market, you need to use the finest kind of oil on the market. Here are the best compressor oil products available for you! You can buy compressor oil on Amazon, which is very convenient for most users.

Mobil 101016 Rarus 427

This gallon of oil produced by Mobil is probably the best oil for air compressors you can find on the market. You can also use it for auto and truck maintenance, which means you save a lot of money by getting it.

As we mentioned before, this product comes as a gallon of oil, so buying it means you may not need more oil for a time. Doing that allows you to forget about oil and focus on other things you may need for your compressor.

This gallon of oil produced by Mobil is probably the best oil for air compressors you can find on the market. You can also use it for auto and truck maintenance, which means you save a lot of money by getting it.

As we mentioned before, this product comes as a gallon of oil, so buying it means you may not need more oil for a time. Doing that allows you to forget about oil and focus on other things you may need for your compressor.

Triax Kompressor MV ISO 46, Multi Vis

People looking for a synthetic air compressor manufacturer can always rely on Triax. This brand makes high-quality lubricating oil and hydraulic oil, so you can get the Triax Kompressor MV to keep your internal combustion engines in cold temperatures and free from overheating.

This particular oil keeps your machine running in extreme temperatures such as colder environments and places that promote a lot of heat production.

People looking for a synthetic air compressor manufacturer can always rely on Triax. This brand makes high-quality lubricating oil and hydraulic oil, so you can get the Triax Kompressor MV to keep your internal combustion engines in cold temperatures and free from overheating.

This particular oil keeps your machine running in extreme temperatures such as colder environments and places that promote a lot of heat production.

Campbell Hausfeld Oil Compressor 16oz MP12

Getting to the last air compressor oil on this list, we have the Campbell Hausfeld Oil. Using this single viscosity oil provides your air compressor with extended engine life.

Apart from that, it makes sure your air compressor works well in colder and warmer temperatures alike.

You can use this oil whether you have a rotary screw compressor or a pancake one. All lubrication you need for your machines is here, and this high-quality oil also keeps the machine’s automatic transmission fluid and free of any issue.

Some of the most reputable pneumatic brands say that the way in which this oil lubricates air compressors makes using air tools easier and improves how they do it.

This oil is compatible with almost all types of compressors, so there’s no need to worry about your machine not supporting this item. However, if you feel unsure about that, you can always ask your compressor’s manufacturer if Campbell oil is a good fit for it.

Getting to the last air compressor oil on this list, we have the Campbell Hausfeld Oil. Using this single viscosity oil provides your air compressor with extended engine life.

Apart from that, it makes sure your air compressor works well in colder and warmer temperatures alike.

You can use this oil whether you have a rotary screw compressor or a pancake one. All lubrication you need for your machines is here, and this high-quality oil also keeps the machine’s automatic transmission fluid and free of any issue.

Some of the most reputable pneumatic brands say that the way in which this oil lubricates air compressors makes using air tools easier and improves how they do it.

This oil is compatible with almost all types of compressors, so there’s no need to worry about your machine not supporting this item. However, if you feel unsure about that, you can always ask your compressor’s manufacturer if Campbell oil is a good fit for it.

Bottom Line

Do you need to find compressor oil for your oil-lubricated compressors? Amazon is an excellent option to find many of them. Analyze how much oil you need and which deal is best for your budget. Oil-free compressors can malfunction after a time and give you a lot of trouble, so it’s best for you to get oil compressors and use an air compressor tool that gives you all the features you need.

Remember you have to get the best compressor oil you can find, though. The oil enhances how compressors work, but only if you get the perfect oil for your particular product.

Amazon offers you many types of air compressors. You can go for rotary screw compressors, hotdog compressors, and others, so go for the one that best suits your needs. Moreover, you can dive into our website if you want to know more about how motor oil works and air compressors in general.